Ta-Ta for Now: A Farewell Post

ivanBy now you’ve probably begun to wonder if I’ve dropped off the face of the earth.

Well, after much thought, consideration, and a 7 month hiatus, I’ve decided to hit pause on this space indefinitely.

Blogging at Mr.C & Me has been wonderful! I began this writing adventure when my life was entering a new chapter. I was getting married, moving to Minnesota, and didn’t know exactly what the future would hold.

Since 2011, I’ve published almost 400 posts, gained many new followers and friends, and made some incredible memories. This site has seen Ryan and I through five wedding anniversaries, several moves around the Twin Cities, job changes, numerous vacations, my food sensitivities/health journey, and our first pregnancy.

In 2017, we welcomed a baby boy into our home and hearts.

This next chapter has brought so much change to our lives! It has also ignited a desire for more privacy, more time spent with friends and family, more energy focused on what’s important to us, and for a shift from our culture’s “do do do” mentality to simply “be be be” (for awhile at least). Taking a break from Mr.C & Me is just one step I’m taking as we work toward all of this.

I will still be around on Instagram if any of you wish to keep in touch and stay updated.

And who knows? Someday I may return to this blog, but for now it’s farewell. I will leave it up and public as I know many people still read and find value in a few of my old posts.

For those interested, revisit top posts by year here: 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016

Thanks for following along over the years. I wish you all the very very best! ❤

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